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Significance of Education in Islam and its Evolution during Caliphate Period

. Dr. Ghulam Mustafa, Dr. Sami Ul Haq, Dr. Muhammad Tahir Jan & Dr. Ihsan ur Rehman Ghauri


To impart education is the chief aim of the Prophet (SAW) as proclaimed by Him (SAW). Muslims throughout the history have taken measures regarding education both at state level and individual level. From the era of the Prophet (SAW) and His descendant Caliphs (Khulfa e Rashideen) till the times of Umayyads, Abbassids, Fatimids as well as Ottoman Caliphates, the emphasis can be seen on development of educational fields and institutions. From primary education to the higher education, the education system is not divided strictly into religious and secular in Islamic History. The Mosque remained as the mother of all types of education among Muslims. The history of madaris (schools) begins from Suffa which was established in Masjid e Nabvi. This article intends to describe the significance of education in Islam on one hand and highlight the work of the Muslims for evolution of education and learning both at individual and state level inspite of political differences throughout different caliphates on the other.

Key Words:    Knowledge, Education, Islamic civilization, Sunnah, Caliphate, Masjid, Madaris,

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