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Zebra Line Detection and Speed Controller System Using Raspberry Pi Pico & ESP32

. Dr. R. JennieBharathi, A. JaswanthRonak, K. Jeevanandam & G. Yuvaraj


Now this scientific world getting better in technologies and have similar flaws in those technologies. Here we take a look at our transportation or driving. Because the technology of transportation starts to evolve from the stone age itself. The current world technology evolved in transportation more than before. Like, from diesel to petrol engines also electric vehicles with automatic driving options and the speed of the vehicles are getting increased from manufacturer to manufacturer. Also, from those technologies to ensure the safety of the driver or public some traffic rules, and traffic signals were made. For, Example traffic signals with zebra crossing, and speed limit areas.

Many are not at all consider those traffic signs and rules because of a hurry. From that Overspeed or lack of concentration, accidents happen regularly. So, our motto is to ensure safe driving and people's safety in transportation. The objective of this project is to control accidents nearby zebra crossings and ensure the safety of the driver and the safety of the people who are crossing roads.

Here, in our project, we are using Raspberry Pi- Pico as a microcontroller with image processing technique with IoT implementation like using the ESP32 wi-fi module (which uses GSM) with a camera (taking image frequently 1s delay). The processor always compares the image with the trained image using the image processing technique. If the system detects the zebra crossing the function of the motor gets stopped till crossing the zebra line.

Tools Used-

Hardware requirement:

  • Raspberry Pi- Pico
  • Esp32 Wi-fi Module
  • Power supply unit
  • Motor Unit
  • Camera
  • Relay unit Software Requirement:
  • Python & Embedded C++ Language
  • PC
  • Web page
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