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Socio-Economic Transformation of Pakistan vis-à-vis China Pakistan Economic Corridor

. Dr. Sawaira Rashid, Dr. Muhammad Ikram & Dr. Sumaira Rehman


China Pakistan Economic Corridor is going to be a great beneficiary 62$ Billion project for Pakistan and China as it will connect the Kashgar City of China with the Gwadar Port of Pakistan. This project will complete in 2030 and will positively affect the employment opportunities, economic growth, and infrastructure development that is the heat of CPEC (Motorways, airports, Roads) Orange Train in Pakistan is also part of this connectivity project, trade feasibility in and out of the country, development, and increase in direct foreign investment that will bring prosperity in Pakistan, and exchange cultural ties of both countries resulting in a stronger bond between Pakistan and China. Four Layered security plan will give Pakistan stability as China will work on the removal of terrorism, and extremism, and resolving Afghanistan and Kashmir issues of Pakistan which will be beneficial for the territory of Pakistan. Development of KP and Balochistan will be done that will result in equalization of both cities within the country and increases brotherhood, and political and economic stability. Agricultural Development will be made as China’s technology will be introduced in Pakistan. More import and export opportunities will be given to both countries. But according to some Pessimists, CPEC is the replica copy of the East India Company. Like in the 1600s Britishers had entered the subcontinent and ruled over it and their people. China is also growing its root stronger among 77 countries with the help of BRI, CPEC is one of them. But most of people believe that CPEC is a fate changer for both China and Pakistan and make them stronger and stable in terms of economic and political powers. South Asian countries will also get benefits from this project. The ties among China and Pakistan will become more friendly. Moreover, Pakistan’s economy will reach from basic to premium tire after this project.

Keywords: BRI, CPEC, East India Company, Gwadar Port, Industrialization, Kashmir, South Asia, Xinjiang.

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