Nanotechnology is the area where the movement of single atom can be monitored. Researcher are working on small scale with a restriction that one dimension of material should be in 1-100 nm range. Significant modifications in various properties of different materials were found at nanoscale. The doping of various nanoparticles like metals, semiconductors into the material like polymers, graphene enhanced the properties which can be used for different uses in many areas. These enhanced properties of materials are used in computer industry, solar cell, crops losses, food industry etc. Nanotechnology has opened the gates for many industry and sectors to produce smart devices. In coming days, nanotechnology will be used at commercial level and will play a vital role to rise the economy of a country. This paper focuses on studying and exploring these different applications of nanotechnology in various domains and discusses the future prospective of nanotechnology.
Index Terms- Nanotechnology, nanoparticles, graphene, nanocomposites