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. Asim Haider, Ahmad Zamir, Aimal Khan, Muhammad Ateeq Ahmed, Anum Bhatti, Safwan Daud, Faisal Ibrahim, Sidra Batool, Muhammad Zeeshan, Abdullah Khan, Muhammad Hawad, Muhammad Siddique Akbar, Arz Muhammad urmani, Aqib Riaz & Fayaz Ahmad


Human interactions with wildlife are frequently characterized negatively, despite the existence of several beneficial advantages, including recreational, educational, psychological, and environmental services. Because "Least Concern" grey wolves (Canis lupus) prey on livestock, there is a substantial conflict between farmers and wildlife in many regions of the world. This conflict is a primary factor in human-wolf conflict. The current study is the first effort in the area to estimate the conflict's severity in terms of livestock destruction. On a purpose methodology basis, the study region was divided into 10 study sites. And data were gathered at each study site during field surveys. Results showed that goats are primarily responsible for depredation during the summer when livestock are allowed to freely graze in pastures, in our study area, the majority of the population is of farmers and herders, and their dependence on livestock is greater than that of any other source and is their main source of income.  According to the findings of our inquiry, the grey wolf is a prevalent carnivore in the region, as indicated by the statements made by the people who live there. The town suffers a significant economic loss as a direct result of the wolf's predation on their livestock. Summer (88) had the highest depredation rate, followed by spring (65), autumn (57), and winter (55), according to our study. Local people move their animals to nearby pastures and grazing areas in the summer and spring. On the fields, the livestock is frequently left unattended. The majority of attacks took place while there was no defense As a direct consequence of this, they held very pessimistic views of the species and worked against reducing or eliminating it entirely from their region. As a consequence of our investigation and interactions with locals, we've devised conservation methods to protect the grey wolf and limit economic impact. Daily fighting hinders grey wolf conservation in the research region. Local influentials should start a broad awareness programme. To enhance herding procedures, watch and ward conditions, scare devices, and people's attitudes toward wolves in the research region. Most individuals are misinformed about wildlife conservation and value. This baseline survey would help conserve this species in Chitral, KP.

Key Words: Wildlife, Grey Wolf, Livestock, Conflict, District Chitral.

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