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Integrative Therapy In Patients With Myeloma Disease
. Karimov Murodullo Yuldashevich, Kayumov Abdurakhman Abdumavlyanovich, Saidov Sokhib Saidmurodovich, Achilova Ozoda Umarkulovna, Makhamadaliyeva Gulchekhra Zukhriddinovna
Purpose of the research. To assess the quality of life of patients undergoing inpatient treatment with skeletal bone lesions. To assess the quality of life of patients on conservative and surgical therapy of osteoskeletal lesions. Materials and methods. The study was carried out in the department of stem cell therapy at the Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The subject of the study was the medical and social health of patients with bone complications of myeloma. A total of 15 patients participated in the study. They made up 2 groups - 7 patients in the first and 8 in the second. All patients were questioned using the WHOQOL-100 questionnaire according to the validated Russian version of the WHOQOL-100. Results: According to the results of the questionnaire, the quality of life of patients was assessed by points in four domains: physical health (FZ), physiological health, social relationships (SR), level of independence (ID). The following formula was used to recalculate the values. As for physical health, it was assessed in both groups as completely unsatisfactory (17 and 23 p <0.05). The patients were always worried about pain. Family and personal conflicts arose against the background of constant pain. In addition, there was a need for additional financial costs: for sick leave to care for a relative or hiring additional personnel. Further, the data differ greatly among the groups. Conclusion. When comparing the results of the study of the quality of life of groups A and B before the start of treatment and in dynamics, it was noted that if surgical treatment of pathological fractures is carried out, preventing prolonged compression and immobilization, the patient's quality of life will improve. The number of complications will decrease, and in some cases even prevent deaths.
Index Terms- hemoblastosis, therapy, osteoskeletal lesions, osteosynthesis, myeloma disease.