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Comparative Evaluation of DashamooladiYamaka Sneha and ShuddhaBalaTailaNasya in the Management of Vishwachi(Cervical Radiculopathy)- A study Protocol

. Mahesh Dodiya, Shweta Parwe, Milind Nisargandha & Punam Sawarkar


Background- Vishwachi is one type of Vatavyadhi. In some Ayurvedic classics it is also considered as UrdhvajatrugataVikara. According to its symptoms, it is correlated with Cervical Radiculopathy. As per the previous researches Cervical Radiculopathy is the Chronic stage of Cervical spondylosis. In present era the numbers of people are with complaints of Cervical radiculopathy due to heavy work load, Dietary changes and life style modifications. This are the root causes of Cervical radiculopathy. Nasya is one of the Panchakarma Procedures. It is indicated for Vishwachi.  So here, we planned to check the efficacy of Nasya on Vishwachi. This study is with aim of to study the effect of DashamooladiYamaka Sneha Nasya in the management of Vishwachi (Cervical Radiculopathy) and to achieve this aim our Objectives is to study the efficacy and compare of DashamooladiYamaka Sneha Nasya and ShuddhabalaTailaNasya in Subjective and Objective criteria of Vishwachi (Cervical Radiculopathy).In this study total of 60 patients were recruited. Group A –will be given the intervention with ShuddhaBalaTaila, and Group B will be given the intervention with DashamooladiYamak Sneha 8—8 drops for seven days. Assessment will be done on 0 (baseline) and eight-day and compare the result.Subjective and objective outcomes will be statistically analyzed by appropriate methods.Conclusions will be drawn based on observations and results obtained in this study.

Keywords:Vishwachi, Nasya, Cervical Radiculopathy, DashamooladiYamaka Sneha, ShuddhaBalaTaila

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