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An Experimental Study on Routing Protocol
Vehicular ad hoc networks are conceived to assume an imperative job in pervasive systems administration attributable to their portability support without depending on framework based structure. Then again, a similar element makes routing in these systems testing when contrasted with the regular wired systems in cities. Thus, traditional routing protocols intended for wired systems are not fit for these systems. Various routing protocols have developed in the course of the most recent couple of years which can be commonly delegated proactive and receptive protocols of routing. In this exploration, we study AODV which is one of the most significant routing convention from the two classes as far as throughput and start to finish delay. This is valuable in understanding the necessities and difficulties for routing protocol in ad hoc setting and structures the premise of planning to pick best routing protocol which we intend to introduce in future. Our simulated outcomes dependent on simulations completed utilizing Network Simulator (NS2) show that gives best execution when contrasted with Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocols when system size is huge and hub portability is high in the city.
Keywords: VANET, Network Simulator, Routing protocols, Throughput, Delay in traffic