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. Abdillah Kamarullah, Soemarno, Budi Setiawan and Abdul Wahib Muhaimin.


This research will be carried out in 2021. The selection of research sites is carried out purposively, namely the selection of locations with certain considerations. Halmahahera Regency is divided into 30 sub-districts with 249 villages, while the research locations were selected in 2 sub-districts, namely those that produce the most coconut agricultural products in South Halmahera Regency. The sub-districts selected as research locations were the Middle East Bacan District, 7 villages (Biunoy Villages, Tawa, Songa, Tabapoma, Tutupa Tomara and Wayatim Villages), and the South East Bacan Districts, 7 villages (Wayaua Village, Silang, Liaro, Pigaraja, Wayakuba , Tabangame and Tabajaya Village). The Bacan District of Middle East is the center of the region with the largest amount of copra coconut land, Likewise, the South East Bacan District is the largest copra producing sub-district in South Halmahera Regency. Determination of the location of this study was done by purpsive {deliberate}, in this study the source of information used during the research process was obtained from the actors (actors) respondents. The data analysis is a SWOT analysis. Development of coconut plantation area; 2) Increasing the supply of superior coconut seeds from the government; 3) Optimizing natural resources properly as a partnership for the marketing industry; and 4) Increasing cooperation between farmers, government and middlemen (middlemen) to retailers in overcoming price volatility. South Halmahera Regency has various potentials of human resources and abundant natural resources which are also strengthened by commitmentlocal government in various agricultural sector programs that have been carried out with the aim of advancing farming communities and regions.

                Keywords: Agribusiness Development, Coconut Plants, South Halmahera

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