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An empirical research on Client’s attitude & perceived risk toward online securities trading at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited
Research paper having various objectives like to study the attitude of clients towards online trading at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited, to identify various factors towards online trading at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited, to measure an impact of various demographic factors like age, income, occupation & educational qualification on online trading variables like speedy convenient transaction and easily accessibility, to find out various client’s perceived risk towards online trading at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited & to measure an association of various demographic factors like age, occupation, income & educational qualification on online trading variables like investment objectives, frequency of buying and selling a share, interval do you monitor your investment & electronic gadget you normally use for online share trading.
An exploratory and conclusive descriptive research was used in my research investigation, Data collection was online survey method with a structured questionnaire using 5 point likert scale given to the sample of population and planned to obtain particular information from the 150 respondents. Data collected from accessible clients of Motilal Oswal.
Variables like Security against misuse of investment, Personal custody of documents, Quicker decision, Reducing communication barriers, Easier/faster managing of portfolios, Transparent operation, More economical, More cash liquidity, Availability of analytical tools, Open to small investors, Reliability, Availability of door step services, Freedom of choice/variety, Reducing mental tension due to real time updating, Easier IPO processing, Accounting is automatic & Reduced risk due to low margin Exposure having mean value greater than 4.00. So, clients having highly agree towards these online trading variables.
Motilal Oswal Securities Limited (MOSL) should give more focus towards variables like Security against misuse of investment, Personal custody of documents, Quicker decision, Reducing communication barriers, Easier/faster managing of portfolios, Transparent operation, More economical, More cash liquidity, Availability of analytical tools, Open to small investors, Reliability, Availability of door step services, Freedom of choice/variety, Reducing mental tension due to real time updating, Easier IPO processing, Accounting is automatic & Reduced risk due to low margin Exposure having mean value greater than 4.00. So, clients having highly agree towards these online trading variables.
The research paper has contained novel innovative methods and its interpretation towards clients online trading of securities at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited, which shown its originality and value.
Index Terms: Clients Online trading, attitude, Perceived risks