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. Tariq Khan1, Sohaib Ahmed1, Noor Muhammad2, Ahmad Zamir1, Arz Muhammad Umrani1, Umair Safdar1, Hamida Bibi3, Muhammad Bilal Zia1, Khalid Hussain Solangi1, Mukhtar Ahmed4, Amber Khalid5, Abid Faiz1


The present study has been conducted in Hazarganji Chiltan National Park to assess the existing vegetation in the natural habitat of the Chiltan Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus chiltanesis) by evaluating three basic requirements of wild animals i.e. shelter, food and water points. The park is important because of its diverse flora and fauna and recreational values. The study was carried out during the July 2022 using Braun Blanquet method of vegetation analysis. Data was collected for total number of species cover and abundance values of vegetation. For this purpose 40 quadrates were laid out and the listing of vegetation was done on comparatively homogenous sites. Two plant communities were recognized at different elevation slope, directions and on rocky sites. 1) Juniperus macropoda – Perovskia abrotanoides community and 2) Sophora griffithii – Artemisia maritima community. These communities constitute the best habitat in Hazarganji Chiltan from the aspect of shelter and food availability of Chiltan Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus chialtanensis) during summer and winter seasons. Out of these communities, Juniperus macropoda was found on the higher elevation between 2000 m to 2500 m. It was dominantly present on Northern, Southern and Western aspects on calcareous parent rocks. Vegetation cover and abundance percentage (%) of this community was high and more than 95% coverage and abundance values were noted. The density was also high and more than 40 plants were present in 100 m2 quadrate. Sophora – Artemisia is dominating in the habitat from 1200 to 1900 m elevation and had the best coverage and abundance values. The soil under this community was quite deep with sand clay loam texture. The community exhibits almost 80% coverage and abundance. On the basis of these results, it is recommended that blank areas in the natural habitat of Chiltan Wild Goat may be planted with species such as Pistacia cabulica, Fraxinus xanthoxyloides, Prunus eburnea, Lonicera quinquelocularis, Cotoneaster nummularia.





Keywords: Chiltan Wild Goat, Hazarganji Chiltan National Park, Natural Habitat, Quetta, Vegetative Assessment.


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