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. Iswarya, S., Kalyani, P. and Mary kensa, V.


Wild edible plants are those that are not tamed or accomplished as food source but are wildly appearing as a part of the verdure. India being a diverse country with varied ethnic groups and phytogeography the preference of wild edibles their occurrence also varied greatly in different regions. To best of our knowledge, there is no previous report on this survey of wild edible plants. The sight of the present investigation is to analyze the possible wild edible plants in the selected study area (Chenbagaramanputhoor).The current study recorded 50 wild edible plants, among that, 4 species are annuals and 46 species are perennials. Based on the mode of regeneration of wild edible plants, 34 species are regenerated by seeds, followed by 13 species are by stem cutting, 3 species are by budding or grafting. Among the collected plants, 48 plants are used as medicinal, 2 plants are grown as ornamental. There are about species of angiosperms belonging to 40 genera and 29families of wild edible plant species were reported. The predominant family are Myrtaceae, Solanaceae, Anacardiaceae with 4 species; Arecaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Piperceae, Sapotaceae contains 3 species each; Moraceae, Rutaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Amaranthaceae contains 2 species each; Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Apocynaceae, Cactaceae, Caesalpinioideae, Caricaceae contains one species each. Therefore, this study may be pivotal and provocative source for advance ethno botanical studies in the region. The wild plants will be devoid of fertilizers and pesticides, and some suggest that, they come with higher antioxidant content. Therefore, there is a need to fabricate awareness among the local people for the importance as well as conservation of these wild edible in their original habitat.

Key words: Alleviating, domesticated, eradication, malnutrition, pesticides.

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