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. G. Chelladurai, Anil Kumar and K. Chitra Devi


 The present study manages the antibacterial movement of the different mushroom extricate against A. hydrophila. The natural product assortments of mushrooms were gathered and washed. At that point exposed to tissue culture. Mycelium was removed utilizing various solvents. The antibacterial investigations demonstrated critical inhibitory movement against the tried bacterium of A. hydrophila. The restraint zones delivered were fundamentally (p<0.05) higher for the ethyl acetic acid derivation concentrate of C. indica, Tricholoma sp1 and G.lucidium when contrasted with the positive control of chloramphenicol and streptomycin. Among the over three mushroom concentrate of C. indica demonstrated the most extreme zone of hindrance (16 ± 0.57mm) against invitro development of A. hydrophila when contrasted with the positive control chloramphenicol (30 ± 0.57mm). Among the antibacterial movement of anti-toxins a greatest zone of restraint was seen in chloramphenical (30 ± 0.57mm) and least was seen in pencilin (3 ± 0.57mm). The MIC of tried mixes was gone from 20µl/ml to 80µl/ml. Among contagious tried, C. indica and Tricholoma sp1 demonstrated the most noteworthy movement (40µl/ml and 60µl/m) against A. hydrophila. The most minimal inhibitory movement was seen in oil ether concentrate of L. squarrosulus (80µl/ml). As per the consequences of MIC, the ethyl acetic acid derivation concentrate of                      C. indica may be utilized as antibacterial specialist against A. hydrophila. From the DNA fracture investigation, the ethyl acetic acid derivation concentrate of C. indica (40µl/ml) blended bacterial suspension demonstrated the corroborative outcome for DNA fracture, when contrasted and the control (live A. hydrophila). Extremely clear divided DNA band was seen in the tried path 2 (separate blended in with A. hydrophila) and path 3 (streptomycin with A. hydrophila). Discontinuity was not seen in path 1 (A. hydrophila alone). This outcome showed that the ethyl acetic acid derivation concentrate of C. indica can lessen or control the development of bacterial states.

Key words: Mycelium extracts, Aeromonas hydrophila, DNA fragmentation assay, Antibiotic.

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