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Management of Vipadika (Palmoplantar Psoriasis) through Nitya Virechana and Shaman Chikitsa- A case report

. Shweta Parwe, Milind Nisargandha, Pooja Shrivastav and Devyani Dasar


Background- The twak vikaras (skin problems) in Ayurveda have been considered under the headings of kushta. Vipadika is one of the vikara that has been incorporated under the title of Kshudra Kushta, which is described by Sphutanam (gaps) either in palms or soles or with extreme vedana (severe agony). Vipadika is related to palmar-plantar psoriasis, a persistent skin illness that mainly influences the palms and sole area. The causative variables of Vipadika are equivalent to kushta. Dietary variables like Viruddha aahara (contradictory food varieties), over-the-top utilization of Drava, Snigdha, Guruaahar (abundance utilization of food varieties which are fluid, unctuous and complex to process), Vega dharana (concealment of desires) particularly retching and extravagance in any corrupt demonstration are the significant aetiologies according to Ayurveda. The objective- was to study the efficacy of Nitya Virechana and Shaman Chikitsa in managing Vipadika. Material and Method- In the present case report, a patient with complaints of burning sensation over both heel and pain in the sole of both legs for one and half years was treated with Shodana (Nitya virechana) along with Shamanaaushadhi like Krimikuthar Ras, Mahamanjishtadi kwatha, Avipattikarchurna, Aragwadhchurna, and Cap S-kin. Conclusion- Shodhana helps remove the root cause of the disease and prevent a.

recurrence Key Words: Kushta, Vipadika, Palmoplantar psoriasis, Shodhana, Nitya virechana

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