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An Analytical Study of religious-pluralistic society

. Dr. Sonia Batool, Dr. Muhammad Sajjad Malik, Dr. Muhammad Khubaib and Prof. Dr. Tahira Basharat


1. The topic of this research article is an Analytical Study of religious-pluralistic society. In today’s highly sophisticated state of development in science and technology, the religion continues to guide and influence millions and millions of people of different races and colors all over the world. However the present day world scenario, painfully demonstrate that the use and abuse of religion has brought about violence, extremism, militancy and intolerance in our societies. The havoc played by religious extremists through hate material and armed violence against ‘the other’ has not only caused wanton killings but has spread poisonous sectarian atmosphere that has sapped the very vitals of our society. The major world disputes revolve around religious background that has been the cause of a colossal loss of life, property, freedom and liberty of man at the hands of those who have made the civil society their hostage.

Key Words: Pluralism, Society, Religious, Islam, Christianity

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