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Women Empowerment through Higher Education in India- An Analysis

. Dr.S.Sasikumar Assistant Professor in Economics, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai-2 (Affiliated to M.S University, Tirunelveli-11 Tamilnadu.)


Women empowerment is major focus of the developing nation like India. The fundamental point and objective of the women empowerment through higher education is develop the individual just as society, with emphasis of social change of the women which help in building the society to make it modernized and gender equality. Empowerment is based on the idea that giving employee’s abilities, resources, specialist, opportunity, inspiration, too considering them responsible and accountable for outcomes of their activities, will contribute to their competence and fulfillment. Empowerment of women is a complex concept encompassing physical, social, economic and political aspects. The word 'women empowerment' essentially means that the women have the power or ability to regulate their everyday lives in the social, political and economic terms, a power which enables them to move from the periphery to the center stage. Self-decision regarding education, interest, versatility, economic independency, open speaking, awareness and exercise of rights, political cooperation and a lot more factors ensure women empowerment. Women empowerment is a base up process of changing gender power relations, developing awareness of women's subordination and building their ability to challenge the power relation. This paper is to study the women empowerment and economics of higher education and statistical tools used for the analyzing the data.

KEYWORDS: Women, Empowerment, Higher education, Economic reforms.

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