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Prey consumption by insectivorous bats in agro ecosystem, a study using insect capture and bat faecal pellet analysis

. Velpandi, S., Muthuselvam, S., Parvathiraj, P., Paramanantha Swami Doss, D and Sudhakaran, M. R


A study was done in agro ecosystem to find out the abundance of insect population and the role of insectivorous bats in controlling them. The agroecosystem selected for the study were paddy, sugarcane, plantain and cotton. These agricultural crops were observed at varying growth stages and insects were captured using light traps. Insects captured predominantly belonged to eight orders namely Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, Odonata, and Isoptera. A total of 65 pests were captured repeatedly, and of the total 65 pests, 27 pests were trapped in the paddy field, 14 pests were in the sugarcane field, 11 pests in the plantain field, and 13 pests in the cotton field. The consumption rate of insects by bats was evaluated by calculating percentage volume for each order of insects consumed by bats using faecal pellets analysis. All bats were observed to prey upon the insect items which they sought at their foraging perches and showed a varied in their prey preference. On the volume of feeding on prey items and insect pests, bats are an IPM agent in pest control.

Key Words: agro ecosystem, faecal pellet analysis, insect capture, insectivores

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