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Boarding School System Management In Character Development And Increasing Student Learning Achievement

. Subki ,Faculty Of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Mataram


This research discusses about the implementation of the boarding school system in character building and improving student learning achievement, the research focused on management, learning systems, character building strategies and strategies to improve student achievement as well as the problems faced in implementing the boarding school system in the Jamiyatul Qurro wal Huffadz dormitory. Paok Village, Suralaga District, East Lombok Regency. This research is a field research, this research data includes primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained from respondents, informants and resource persons, in collecting data, this research uses interview, observation and documentation techniques, then analyzed by deductive method. The results of this research indicate that the Tahfidz Jam'iyatu Qurro wal Huffadz NW Paok Village, East Lombok Regency is managed by implementing monotheism management, the learning system uses the levels of 'Ula, wustha, and Ulya, class determination is based on memorization ability not on age. For the 'Ula class, the Boading School enforces a one day one verse policy, while the next class is handed over to each student according to their level of intellectual ability, efforts to improve achievement are pursued by using rewards, examples and bringing in private teachers. parents in following daily activities and routines. In overcoming this problem, the management uses two methods, they are the method of deliberation and the method of punishment in the form of fines.


Key Words: Boarding School, Character Building, Increasing Achievement

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