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A Review: Importance, Implementation, and Enhancement of AES

. Nadia Mustaqim Ansari, Rizwan Iqbal, Adnan Waqar, Sohail Rana, Muhammad Ismail, Talha Tariq, Syed Waqar Alam, Maqsood ur Rehman, Mustafa Mohiuddin and Rohail Shaikh


Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of intelligent gadgets that serve various functions. To trade and gather data from one another, these devices have sensors, software, and networks built right into them. As more devices become connected daily in the IoT, researchers' top priority is securing the hardware. According to academics, the current concentrated is on observing the offensive and defensive aspects of IoT devices. The main purpose of this article is to review the work done on the security of IoT devices. This study is an elaborate Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, which is vastly used in IoT environments against power analysis attacks. Describes the modified AES using S-BOX and makes a hybrid algorithm to create a strict environment.

Index Terms- IoT, Encryption Algorithm, Security of IoT Devices.


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