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A review on the Rasayana effect of Lasuna (Allium Sativum)

. Dr.Kanchan R.Sorte, Shweta Parwe, Dr.Milind Nisargandha and Dr.Vijay Jagdish Upadhye


Rasayana is one of the eight branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda (8 branches of Ayurveda ). Almost all Ayurved treats, including the oldest of all, various Samhita, has given due importance to the concept of “Rasayana”. Rasayana chikitsa delivers more emphasis on the preventive aspect of the individual. Rasayana is a concept that focuses on disease prevention, immune process modulation, strengthening, and increasing an individual's life span to live a disease-free, healthy life for a more extended period. This study is planned to assess the efficacy of the ayurvedic formulation Lasuna Rasayana is incredibly suggested in charak samhita for disorders of Vatavyadhi and Aamvata. A detailed explanation of Lasuna is given in Kashyap samhita &Ashtanga hridaya. Lasuna is a significant Rasayana dravya and a widely used Ayurvedic medicine. Garlic's fundamental chemical components are beneficial in daily life for maintaining physical fitness and acting against hypercholesterolemia. Garlic's wide variety of health benefits stems primarily from its active component Allicin.

Several Acharyas employed this powerful herb in various formulations, including Lashoonadi Vati and Lashoona ksheera paka. Garlic's value is highlighted in this article as a Rasayana, as its indications and qualities in Ayurveda suggest its role as a Rasayana. Material and Methods- The study used Ayurvedic scriptures, modern medicine, journals, and research publications from Google Scholar, Pubmed, and other sources. Conclusion- Lasuna is a significant Rasayana dravya and a widely used Ayurvedic medicine. Except for Lavana Rasa, Lasuna pharmacodynamics include pancharasa. Different parts have pradhana Rasa, Madhura vipak, Madhura, Tikta, and Katurasa, gradually becoming Balvan. Because it is Sneha yukta, it also has a Brihmana effect.


KEYWORDSLasuna, Allium sativum, Lasuna Rasayana, Rejuvenation, Utpatti.

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