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Student Centered E-Learning Leveraged Through the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Our Institutions of learning are formal structures created within societies for its progress. So it follows that the educands must be equipped with skills relevant to the present and the forecasted future. Students in the third decade of the 21stcentury ought to possess 12 global skills namely; Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Information literacy, Media literacy, Technology literacy, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative, Productivity and Social skills to succeed in a Knowledge driven 4th Industrial Age. The best way forward in through education as an instrument accelerating student learning in student centered learning environments in cyber space. This paper deliberates on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and suggests a methodology to construct learning experiences which can be executed in virtual spaces by the teacher. The author also suggests that the learning experiences could be developed by the teacher, or by the teacher and students or by the student themselves. The ultimate goal is to help the learner develop higher order faculties.